The National Honors Society (NHS) is a nationwide club that has spread to other schools across the globe. The National Honors Society program is programmed to prepare students to become leaders not only inside of school but outside in their community as well.
The club teaches students helpful skills and how to demonstrate high standards for the future. NHS is currently meeting in room 108 two days a week, Tuesdays for 2nd lunch and Wednesdays for 1st lunch. Accessibility to all students is highly important to Ms. Orafferty the club advisor at Norte Vista High School.
“To try to get both lunches, “ O’rafferty said.
Alongside Ms. O’rafferty, the club is organized by club president Camilo Canizalez Tejada. Currently, The National Honors Society has partnered with Junior Optimists to collect items and gifts for foster kids in the district this holiday season. To make a change, NHS and other clubs regularly partner with each other to make a change in the community with the help of the students. The club is currently organizing a book drive for a local elementary school, the National Honors Society is planning on donating over 700 books to Terrace Elementary School. Pre- COVID 19, NHS yearly would donate over 700 books towards Terrace Elementary in order for each student to have the chance of a free book. Due to COVID 19 donations haven’t been able to cover the population Terrace Elementary holds but NHS is hoping to exceed pre-COVID donations this year.