Recent incidents of school shootings in the United States are causing fear among students and teachers alike. As the new school year begins in the United States, multiple school shootings have already been reported, heightening concerns about safety in educational institutions. Many students fear coming to school, which also affects the teachers. This shared paranoia extends across all states.
On August 19, 2024, a shooting occurred at Bossier High School in Bossier City, Louisiana, resulting in one injury. The incident occurred right after their school’s ‘Spirit Night Monday.’ Although no students from Bossier High were injured, the event shook the community.
On September 4, 2024 a shooting in Apalachee High School occurred and that killed four people in Winder, Georgia. Colt Gray is now charged with four counts of murder. The school resumed on September 23, 2024.
According to a tally by Education Week, there have been 22 school shootings in the United States in 2024 alone, even before the tragic incident at Apalachee High School.
Isabel Trujillo, a sophomore, feels uncertain about what to expect at school.
“Sometimes I do (feel unsafe) because of the policies of putting the phones in the pouches. If an actual situation were to happen then I would not be able to have my phone to contact my family members.” Trujillo said.
No school ever knows what to expect. The days start off fine but some schools cannot say that it ends on that same page. Schools with their Administrators established new rules to ensure the safety of the students. Norte Vista High School Principle, Jason Marquez shares the policies in place to maintain the security of the students.
“There are procedures that are already in place that help maintain safety on campuses, like everyone that comes and has to get a raptor, which they put in their ID, and we have gates at every exit and entrance to make sure people don’t come in. We added over 100 cameras, a lot of them to the exterior parts of campus too, just to be aware of who’s near campus, we have a school resource police officer who’s here,” Marquez said.
Marquez then goes to express how little administration can do before making the school environment seem like a prison.
“I mean different policies have been talked about like security checks where you walk through metal detectors. But the other side of that is, how much do we want schools to look like a prison, where everyone has to empty their pockets before they come in.” Marquez said.
Franklin, Jasmine, et al. “Shooting at Bossier High Stemmed From Fight Between Man in His 40s, Group of Juveniles.” https://www.ksla.com, 21 Aug. 2024, www.ksla.com/2024/08/20/man-shot-bossier-high-parking-lot-preseason-game-underway-time.
Matt Foster, ABC News. “911 Calls in Georgia High School Shooting Released | What They Reveal.” ABC11 Raleigh-Durham, 16 Sept. 2024, abc11.com/post/Apalachee-High-School-shooting-911-calls-released-shooter-Colt-Gray-Barrow-County-Georgia/15305351.
Today, Usa. “Nearly 50 People Have Been Killed, Injured in K-12 School Shootings Across the US in 2024.” USA TODAY, 5 Sept. 2024, www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/09/04/number-of-school-shootings-in-2024/75074169007.